Hasti strives to innovate decentralized power, redefining individual landscapes by liberating barriers to transparency, equity, and individual agency.
HASTI is the TRUTH, and the TRUTH is HASTI.
Hasti strives to innovate decentralized power, redefining individual landscapes by liberating barriers to transparency, equity, and individual agency.
Hasti is where unified technology and united humanity intersect, bridging gaps to establish truth and global peace. (TRUTH is Hasti’s core values!)
"Where Truth Meets You Directly."
TRUTH forms the core of Hasti's essence and each letter of TRUST represents one of Hasti’s values:
T – Transparent Information
R - Respectful diversity and Empowerment
U– Unbiased Interpretation and Understanding
T - Technological Excellence: Innovative and Ethical
H –Humanity's finest collaboration
Together, these values embody 'TRUTH,' signifying Hasti's united pursuit of harmony, guiding positive transformation and growth, ultimately aiming for global peace.
HASTI is The Truth, AND The Truth is HASTI.
My name is Asma Mohrsab "Hasti"
Was Born in Iran on July 21, 1987
A resident of North Carolina of the United States since May 2015 (American/Iranian citizen)
Graduated in Computer Software Engineering from Iran
About two years ago, I started my favorite activities in religious research and expanded my connections with people of different religions and people with various cultural, social, and political tendencies. I tried to establish a global media to create peace and unity, which I will talk about further.
And in my journey to create peace, I came to this point that based on my personal beliefs and theories, and other experts in different fields and the world’s current issues, to compare those with different religions; I started to write a book titled "Hasti’s explanation of the universe" based on the rules governing the World.
After that, I started to invite people with different backgrounds and views to peace, and sympathy, and unite them on common opinions.
As an Iranian, I am trying to establish peace and unity among my people, whether they live inside or outside the country. Then with each other’s help, to invite all of our compatriots and unite our great energies and potentials to make peace and put aside our turbidities and enmities to reach a bigger goal which is to serve the people of our country and the worldwide community. Let's establish this world peace together and leave this lasting effect for future generations.
Fortunately, I have met many people with the same passion. Despite the perceptions of some other people around me about the records of political and religious activities of them, they willingly announced their cooperation and support to expand this chain for creating peace. And this is proof of the Iranian people being peaceful and seeking peace not only in words but also in deeds, all around the world.
To implement this plan and create this great group to make peace, I am going to establish a relationship with the opposition outside Iran and the officials in the country. Then with each other's help, we can expand this chain to other countries of the world and try to start this alliance first with Iranians all over the world, who have their motherland and language in common. Then we all together will follow a specific plan to serve people. I need to note that my friends who have extensive connections with parliamentarians and politicians in the United States and other countries have also stood by me in this direction and have admitted their cooperation. I am also trying to invite all professionals and scientists in different fields around the world who are eager to help and cooperate in this group. With these being done and having help from everyone in this collection we can build our Iran together again with love and peace. We should stand together as friends and serve the people of our country and the whole world.
This media is initially being designed as a mobile application, which includes some of the protocols that are a requirement of today's human society. Some of them are creating special platforms to form the core of power in a decentralized manner, creating a modern culture and working on social awareness, conducting referendums and digital evaluation of votes, creating online schools and colleges, providing medical and counseling, and other services online.
It should be mentioned that a more accurate plan with more details is being designed and reviewed.