Ladies' Movement

ladies' movement has been created in the name and memory of the brave and bold Iranian girl Mahsa Amini, who paid the price for the freedom of her nation with her blood, and with the management of Asma Mohrsab, the founder of the Hasti Collection; for creating fundamental changes in the world's views and beliefs regarding women in society!

Mahsa Amini is no longer a name, but a symbol of endurance and courage and showing the power and ability of women in changing and even destroying false and destructive thoughts and the growth and prosperity of constructive thoughts in society!

The ladies' movement, along with your help, is trying to challenge the perspective of the world to women and their position today and to make a great change in society's worldview regarding women who are forming a part of society.

Despite the past that most statesmen were holding the seats of power in the world, and women were not getting any opportunity to show their abilities and skills in various fields. Such movements, regardless of the motivation behind their formation, were considered a serious threat against the current government and power.

But today, women have become aware of their powers and abilities, which have been suppressed by society's ignorance for years; And with their active and extensive presence in various fields, they have made men surrender before their hidden glory.

And now we see how brave, knowledgeable, and open-minded men, with their unique support and welcome in realizing the neglected rights of women, are shouting the level of growth and mental maturity of the society; And they are trying to remove destructive prejudices and ignorance from the history of mankind.

Sometimes new movements face a lot of opposition at the beginning of their activities, and this opposition is either from the ruling government or other opposing groups; Fortunately, at this point, we are witnessing great awareness and the huge support of the world community for the unjustly shed blood of Mahsa Amini and other pure youth of my country; And we are also witnessing the Globally defense of the institutions and the awakened people who, in various ways, bring their courageous support for women's rights to the ears of the world with their loud and sky-scraping voice in various media!

The ladies' movement is a continuous reflection of this voice for the realization of women's rights; Its activity will be continuous, unlike revolutions and critical protests against atrocious systems and inhumane laws that only happen at a specific time.

Now due to unfortunate events, more than any other time, we need an organized and idealistic movement free from any religious and political views with a loud voice with the ability to destroy obsolete laws and the support of various organizations. which can remove the inhumane laws against women, and with its extensive communication and continuous follow-up, carry out new human concepts and laws in the realization of women's rights in today's worldwide society.

The women's movement is trying to open a constructive way for the freedom and neglected rights of women all over the world with the presence of brave and bold women in society and the support of dedicated and aware men who are the voice of the women of their society. So that together, with a common understanding of the goals and ideals of the women's movement, we can return to our occupied position and present our potential skills and abilities to society and build a lively, happy world full of peace and tranquility!

With the slogan: Woman, life, freedom


About Ladies Movement's Logo

In the logo of the Ladies' movement, Mahsa's name is written in Persian using electrogram waves shape, and the picture in the heart is Mahsa Amini, whose Ladies' Movement is created under her name. Mahsa Amini with not surrendering to oppression and with her death, left this slogan for us in her last breath: lady(women), life, Liberty(freedom), which is written on two sides of the high pulse on the lift, both in English and Persian.

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